Tuesday, November 14, 2006

First Exchange

Here's the first of it with Alex:

Here's a quick question: would "my shirt is red" be a

I have a philosophy degree. May be interested in a
debate. I would also
humbly suggest you check out some phil of language.


Dear Andrew,

My shirt is red would not be considered a
B-statement. "My shirt"
(at any given moment) refers to an object and the "is
red" aspect refers to
color which has to do with color [certain frequencies
of electromagnetic
radiation] reflection. It is simple to test whether a
shirt is red [either
with the naked eye or a machine]. A universe where
your shirt was black
would clearly contradict the statement, therefore it
is not a B-statement.

If you would like to debate then make sure you have
read all the
site, figure out what you object to, verify those
objections are different
from those posed by Ben Gorman [first debate
challenger] or are not
addressed by my responses to him, and lastly put those
objections to my site
in your email.

I look forward to discussing my site with you.

Alex Rohde


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